// Behing the blog have song ♥
Nurul Shafika


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Memory Of Life

Family Love


Template is made by PiKevin.
The basscode is taking from Ainabillah Shafie. Thanks to We ♥ It for the amazing picture. And also a big applause to Rainboee for his beautiful colour code.

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Couple ? Say NO !
Sunday 5 February 2012 , 09:01 , 0 Comment[s]

Hello my dear stalker .What's wrong with my title ? Haha let us together say "COUPLE IS DANGEROUS " bahaya bahaya bahaya .Good bagi yang single and malang bagi yang still together .Malas nak cerita panjang korang pun tahu halal haram and dah reti bezakan ,if I cakap juga ,alamatnya baca ikut mulut keluar ikut hidung . haha #merepek -.-
My Dear Friend , 
She's beutiful young girl .Baru awal remaja k .I don't want to put her name here .Dia pun ada couple juga .Now dah putus and saya rasa lega .Act ,saya risau masa dia kaple ngan ex-bf dia .You know why ? As friend ofcourse saya takut that guy amik kesempatan kan ? Saya tk galakkan dia couple sebenarnya ... what can i say .Saya selalu ckp mcm ni "Better kau break je lah dengan dia" lebih kurang macam ni tapi dia tak dengar sebab saya cakap dalam hati .Haha how stupid lah kan -.- 
Kenapa saya tak ckp dekat dia ? Haha i have my own reason la .No need to know .It's complicated .Sekarang dia ofcourse dah besar and boleh fikir sendiri .She had change her mind and made perfect decision and nothing to worry about .Itu cerita lama lah .Close the old book and apen new book also write a new story .Assalamualaikum :)