// Behing the blog have song ♥
Nurul Shafika


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Memory Of Life

Family Love


Template is made by PiKevin.
The basscode is taking from Ainabillah Shafie. Thanks to We ♥ It for the amazing picture. And also a big applause to Rainboee for his beautiful colour code.

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Miss Me ? Remember Me ?
Monday 2 July 2012 , 02:54 , 0 Comment[s]

Hello ! Weet ,lama lama lama sangat aku tak update .Kesian lahai pembaca setia aku ye ? Ternanti nanti post aku .Lately ni i'm busy with my twitter and also my study .Ohhh yaa .Do you miss me ? Masih ingatkah anda pada gadis yang berwajah suci ini ? K ,pembukaan yang agak perasan .Tapi bukan siapa tahu pun .Kita kita je ? *siapa kita-kita tu ? Tengok kiri ,tengok kanan*

Adakah anda semua tertanya tanya apakah yang terjadi pada diri saya ? Panjang ceitanya .Rindu rindu rindu aku nak update blog .Relax para peminat ,cool .Nanti saya sign ye ? Bahahaha *again perasan* Okeyokey ,after this i will story a few about what i'm doing lately .K harap maaf .Bahasa Inggeris bertarabur :D Nak tahu lebih lanjut ,sila jangan malu atau segan click follow at my twitter .DO MENTION ! Then i'll follow you back :) #Rasa segan pulak tulis macam ni .K buat muka tembok je lah .Alright ,ready to read my new post ? Alright ! Let start the story :) Hahaha excitednye korang .Alalala comel nye .Jom baca and don't complain ha .Sebarang typo minta dirahsiakan .Kerjasama anda amat dihargai :)