// Behing the blog have song ♥
Nurul Shafika


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Template is made by PiKevin.
The basscode is taking from Ainabillah Shafie. Thanks to We ♥ It for the amazing picture. And also a big applause to Rainboee for his beautiful colour code.

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Kun Faya Kun
Thursday 17 January 2013 , 02:42 , 0 Comment[s]
Assalamualaikum w.b.t. Apa khabar? Semoga semua sentiasa gembira tak kira lah dimana kita berada.Kita kena hargai dan bersyukur dengan apa yang kita ada.Jangan terlalu meminta dan menyalahi sesuatu.Suatu hari nanti Allah akan tunjuk kenapa kita tak dapat semua tu atau kenapa kita dapat semua tu.Masa tu kita sendiri lah yang decide.Post hari ni,ayat dia ada yang aku amik dari twitter seorang hamba Allah.

Allah is the best listener and you don’t need to shout, nor cry out loud, cause he hears even the very silent prayer of a sincere heart.

If Allah can take away something you’ve never expected losing, He can replace them with something you’ve never imagined having.

Dear girls, it's okay to lose your love, and not your pride. Because one day the right guy will come after you. :)

Apabila seseorang itu menyakiti kamu, berdoalah kepada Allah agar kamu tak melakukan hal sedemikian terhadap orang lain.

Everything has a beginning and an end except Allah. Your pain has a beginning and it has an end. Just be patience and trust Allah SWT.

Walau siapa kita pada masa lalu terimalah diri kita seadanya pada hari ini kerana tanpa masa lalu kita takkan berdiri untuk hari ini

Kuatkan hati.Terus melangkah ke hadapan.Yang lepas tu,biarlah lepas.Jgn diingat pd yg pahit, kenanglah pd yg manis.

In each tear,there’s a lesson that makes you wiser than before and makes you stronger than you know.

Di sebalik tangisan itu ada kebahagiaan.Di sebalik kesedihan itu ada senyuman.Di sebalik kesulitan itu ada kemudahan..insya Allah

Happiness keeps you sweet. Trials keep you strong. Sorrows keep you human. Failures keep you humble. And Allah, keeps you going.

Sometimes the people we've known for a short moment of time have the biggest impact on our lives, even more than those we've known forever.

Crush, I remember when we first met. I didn't expect to like you this much but now that I think about it, maybe I did.

I wish i had a delete button in my life. To delete some people, memories, and feelings.